YAM2AmIRC - The interface for YAM and AmIRC =========================================== · Introduction: =============== I hate it to open YAM and look what kind of EMail arrived while I work with AmIRC. I could of course set up filters that play certain sounds on certain EMails, but still, I can't see whose EMail I got. So I came to the idea of writing a little script that sends useful information to the AmIRC window, letting me easily see who EMails come from, without the need to open the YAM window. · Features: =========== - Display number of total/new/unread "Incoming" EMails in active AmIRC window. - Allows to set up patterns to match the "From" header and displays the resulting emails. - Plays a soundfile even when AmIRC is not active. - Displaying of all New and Unread EMails in the Incoming folder. - AmIRC interface to control YAM2AmIRC from within itself, so you can at any time check your Incoming folder. - Many configuration options, also for the sound player. · Requires: =========== - YAM2.0p5 - AmIRC2.0 (should work with earlier versions also) - RexxMast active. - Optionally a soundplayer or MultiView with a correct sound datatype. - An Amiga computer, of course. · Installation: =============== - Copy YAM2AmIRC.rexx to the Rexx drawer within your YAM directory. - Go to the YAM Confiruation - New Mail - Notification - Command, and enter the following line: C:Run >NIL: SYS:Rexxc/Rx YAM:Rexx/YAM2AmIRC.rexx (Change the paths of Rx and YAM2AmIRC if neccesary) - Go to the AmIRC menu - Settings - Lists - Alias, and enter the follwing line: mail /rx YAM:Rexx/YAM2AmIRC.rexx 1 %p With that you can access YAM2AmIRC from within AmIRC. · Configuration: ================ Once you have installed the script, you will have to set up a few basic settings. Open the script with your favourite text editor (Ed, CygnusEd, etc.). You can set up several variables to your own needs: - display & search Set these two variables according to the following: display=Y & search=Y : Show Folder info and use search function. display=Y & search=N : Show Folder info and all New/Unread EMails. display=N & search=Y/N : Display Folder info only. - searchfor This variable includes the patterns you want the script to notify to you. If you use more than one pattern, seperate them with a space only. Please note that the patterns are case sensitive and that only New EMails in the "Incoming" folder will be checked. Also, this option is not relevant if search is not set to "Y". Example: If you set the script to look for : ".de @infocanarias.com listserv@" You would be visually notified of emails like chatroom@yahoo.de , Pfauder@infocanarias.com , listserv@mermaid.net... Note: If you turn "Update Message Status" on (in Config/New Mail) then YAM2AmIRC will inform only once about a new EMail you have on the notify list. If you turn it off then the EMail will always show as New, and therefore pop up every time YAM2AmIRC checks the Incoming folder. - linelength Max. length of the line to be displayed in the AmIRC window (useful if your window is small, or big...). Default is 60. - playsound Set this to "Y" if you want to use the soundplay function. - soundplayer & soundfile & playeroptions Specify the player you use, the soundfile and any options. Example: soundplayer = "C:Play16" soundfile = "YAM:INCOMING.WAV" playeroptions = "OUTPUT=Paula14" would do the same as: "C:Play16 YAM:INCOMING.WAV Paula14" (Please let me know if you want this way of setting up being changed) · Usage: ======== Once it is installed, the script will activate every time you receive new EMail. · AmIRC Interface: ================== You can control YAM2AmIRC from within AmIRC, once the script is installed and the alias is set (see Installation). For that, you use the /mail command: /mail - Display only folder info. /mail new - Display folder info and new pattern matching EMails. /mail all - Display folder info and all new or unread EMails. · To do: ======== - More optimizations (once the YAM2.0 Arexx port is fully working). - MUI GUI for easy configuration of the settings (once I find out how to do it :) · Contact: ========== If you have suggestions, comments or bug reports, send them to: Frank Meyer-Pfauder EMail: Pfauder@infocanarias.com Support Page: http://members.xoom.com/pfauder/yam2amirc.html · Disclaimer: ============= This script is freeware. Feel free to give it away or copy it, but please keep the files together, and don't delete my name from the header ;) · History: ========== - v1.0 internal, first version. - v1.1 internal, added linelength function and some minor bug fixes. - v1.11 internal, made the script faster, changing some functions. - v1.12 first public release, some minor optimizations and changes. - v1.13 deleted an obsolete line. File is a little bit smaller. - v1.2 made playback of soundfile optional, made pattern search optional, script now checks for correct setup, corrected line length bug, optimized code (much faster now). - v1.21 again more optimized. Pattern comparing faster. - v1.22 added port scan for AmIRC (thanks to Bossman^ for the advice). - v1.23 changed the output a little bit. Minor changes to the manual. - v2.0b internal, rewritten code almost completely. Added optional displaying of all new EMails, interface to use YAM2AmIRC within AmIRC, sound player now configurable. - v2.0 removed two bugs (only two, but bad ones...), changed the AmIRC display color (now set to 1 (Highlight)). Optimized a few lines.